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Aches or pains, we want to be your musculoskeletal provider of choice.

Performance physical therapy in Augusta, Georgia.


It’s frustrating when you’re in pain and can’t do what you want, especially when you don’t feel in control. With Performance Physical Therapy at Athletic Edge Performance, we put you in control of your health and give you your active lifestyle back by eliminating pain, no matter what you want to do.

Tell me if this sounds familiar:

You avoid the gym because you know you’ll be in pain later.

By the end of the workday, your neck is killing you.

Your running sessions are cut short because of your nagging knee.

Chasing the kids around hurts.

Your social life is suffering because you haven’t been to CrossFit in weeks.

Every time you pick up a racket, your elbow hurts.

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Your 3 Step Process

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Create the Plan

You’re in pain. You’ve tried some Google searches and foam roll daily and each day the pain comes back. That’s frustrating.  On day 1, you and your Physical Therapist will create a plan to get your life back as soon as possible.  You’ll figure out the root cause of your pain, and understand how you're going to get back to the activities you enjoy.


Execute the Plan

Your Physical Therapist will guide you each step through the plan to take you from where you are now to where you want to be. PT is a combination of manual therapy, dry needling, and corrective exercises to build strength, resiliency, and flexibility. You are taking control of your health.
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Set Bigger Goals

With a healthy body, you’ll be surprised at what you thought was impossible that you can now achieve. Throughout your Physical Therapy journey, you’ll be given the skills to maximize your movement. You’ll learn when to push your limits and what to do if you start to have pain so you can keep making progress. Plus, we’re always here for a tune-up if you need it.

What You Get With Performance Physical Therapy

We use the newest and most advanced approaches to not only evaluate, treat, and get you out of pain faster; but also get you stronger and better than ever before. 

1-on-1 Sessions

All our Physical Therapy sessions are 1 hour, 1-on-1 with your Physical Therapist so you can get the best outcome possible.


You’ll learn how to take care of yourself. You’ll know symptom relieving techniques, self-soft tissue and joint mobilizations, and more to make sure you’re prepared against injuries for life.

Dry Needling & Manual Therapy

Our performance physical therapist is Dry Needling trained — never tried it? You’re going to want to. We also use other manual therapies including cupping, IASTM, body tempering, etc.

A program designed for YOU!

Your situation and goals are different from everyone else’s. You shouldn’t follow some cookie cutter program. At Athletic Edge, we design our treatment and performance plans based on YOU.

Take us home with you

Physical Therapy goes much further than the 1x per week session.  All clients receive direct communication to their performance physical therapist, workout modifications, and cardio routines for rehab written up by your Doctor of Physical Therapy.  Never go a day without knowing what your routine should look like!

A Full Picture Approach

We don’t just focus on your injured body part. To help you get better, we are addressing ALL variables that impact your recovery; that means your sleep routine, your workouts, your recovery, and more. We focus on your complete health and wellness.

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